India Broadband Forum Feed

YouTube: Latest updates

Posted: 23 Jun 2012 01:13 PM PDT

errm. if the item is streamed, it is streamed. there is no file to fetch from the remote servers. it's not blocking tools to download a file. the concept of streaming is changed. that probably means that the item is not cached because it is streamed. you pause it, it does not download the rest of the video to your computer.

Latest Hits

Posted: 23 Jun 2012 01:11 PM PDT

Right. This is a remake of a Telugu song. Though this hasn't changed the tune even a bit, the original one still sounds better to me :D

The original:

Shut Up and Take My Money!

Posted: 23 Jun 2012 01:09 PM PDT


Originally Posted by mhsabir View Post
I am just trying to figure out whats going on in this thread.

Smuggling. We all had sent some drugs to Sushubh and the payment is still pending.

The Mega Movie Review/Suggestion Thread!

Posted: 23 Jun 2012 01:05 PM PDT

A lot of people have not watched it so I won't speak about it more.

Kick-Ass (2010) IMDb

Start was awesome, then I was like :uncomfortableness:

Airtel Digital TV HD Recorder: New software update!

Posted: 23 Jun 2012 12:57 PM PDT


I think your recent offer ads are part of the firmware update. I think its better for others not to update.. See aviral`s post here

But we might have the control over the updates. I shouldnt have updated from the older UI , it was faster and had no nuisance of ads..:dont-know:

!~!~~! Exclusive Hathway HD Channesl Recorded Video (1080p/720p) ~!~!~!

Posted: 23 Jun 2012 12:40 PM PDT

And how much did Aver Media HD EzRecorder Plus cost you?

HTC Desire V

Posted: 23 Jun 2012 12:19 PM PDT

anybody bought this phone?
Wanted to go for one s but it is ridiculously priced and desire V seems a decent choice with dual sim.
how is this phone?

New Small Car Suggestions

Posted: 23 Jun 2012 12:06 PM PDT

In this case though I don't think Maruti fits into OP's requirements, coming as he does from a Getz / Optra background. Clearly mileage isn't a concern. Getting into any of the other cars in this segment would feel like a downgrade even overlooking the sedan to hatchback conversion.

Cannot connect to WiFii after Hibernate, searched everywhere

Posted: 23 Jun 2012 12:01 PM PDT

try using static ip instead of dhcp

may be factroy reset will help you but keep it as last resort

Adsl led unstable

Posted: 23 Jun 2012 11:56 AM PDT


I am new user of MTNL UL DATA599 monthly plan. I got it in month of may.
when it started running it ran very good almost 10 days but after that it started very strange things. from that day ADSL LED is unstable.
I have given complaints so many time to customer care.
they have rule to resolve issue within 24 hours as they say but it doesn't seem they do within 24 usually.
my first complain was handled after 10 days which is quite wired.
and the strange thing is that someone call from there on land line phone weather you're available or not and they additionally take the mobile no. but don't give a call on mobile and when you receive a call the guys asks is Internet OK ? (why he asked you would probably think he's done something? that's why he's asking like this)
suppose if that time internet is fine for two minutes and you say him ok he won't listen and ends the call and complain closed at behind. No one visits and check the ADSL Modem if any problem is there but i know it has appropriate settings. which it should have. The same happened to me today i gave a complain online and when i wasn't at house my wife received a call from them and she said to him I was not at home and he ended up the call but I now checked the complaint it says no complaint pending then how it sorted ? I simply don't understand why I pay to face such problems.
plus they have changed the IVR system of 1504 and no updates anywhere how do i get to know about where i should go ?