India Broadband Forum Feed

Regarding public IP use of broadband/ILL

Posted: 20 Apr 2012 12:49 PM PDT

Addresses in the 10.x.x.x range are not public IPs. They work only on a local area network and are not routable - plus, they're 100% free, so, I hope you are not being charged extra for these!

The TCP/IP Guide - IP Reserved, Loopback and Private Addresses (10.x.x.x is a class A private address block).

It is possible, however, that each of the addresses you have been allocated does correspond to a public IP with static routing (I hope this is the case), but if this is the case, then no, you cannot use the public IP address in any other network. There are both technical and fiduciary reasons for this.

On the technical side, for it to be accessible, the other network would have to announce the block as it's own (at it's data centre, no less, not on your PC), and it can't do that without messing up the original ISPs announcements (depending on which provider is larger).

The financial reason would be that, well, ISPs pay for the privilege of IP address space - if another ISP started announcing my IP addresses as it's own without my permission or compensation, I'd have reason to be a bit annoyed.

It has happened that ISPs have accidentally announced other ISPs address space as their own, like a few years ago when Pakistan tried to block Youtube, it ended up causing Youtube to become completely unavailable because anyone typing in would be directed to's IP address BUT half the world thought Youtube's IP address belonged to PCTL or whoever it was so it borked the whole situation quite badly because PCTL couldn't cope and the guys at PCTL's upstream (PCCW in Hong Kong) didn't act quick enough to filter out the incorrect announcements, resulting in intermittent availability of Youtube for about 2 days.

So to cut a long story short, no, you can't use one of those "free public IPs" on another network (but you can use 10.x.x.x on any LAN you like, assuming that LAN is using that range, of course... some might use 192.168.x.x or 172.16.x.x).

Please tell me Airtel Broadband IP Address Range

Posted: 20 Apr 2012 12:26 PM PDT

Have a Look at this and recommend solution .....

Posted: 20 Apr 2012 12:17 PM PDT

His tracert goes through a different gateway, perhaps the same gateway issue like last month ? Running some tracerts on bsnl's dns, will report back.



Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 3 ms 2 ms 3 ms DD-WRT []
2 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms
3 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms
4 15 ms 15 ms 15 ms
5 20 ms 21 ms 22 ms []
6 21 ms 22 ms 21 ms
7 25 ms 23 ms 21 ms
8 32 ms 32 ms 32 ms
9 34 ms 32 ms 31 ms
10 32 ms 31 ms 32 ms []

Trace complete.

New Channels getting Added on Videocon D2H DTH

Posted: 20 Apr 2012 12:06 PM PDT

Great Jaymin Bhai . Even if its not added they may continue the testing during night time like yesterday . So, keep scanning TPs .

Hope its added before I wake up tomorrow.

torrents peer list

Posted: 20 Apr 2012 12:05 PM PDT

Most likely means someone on your local cable network has the same torrent, so your torrent client intelligently downloaded the file from him. This is a good thing.

Western Union Help

Posted: 20 Apr 2012 11:53 AM PDT

It's from UK.

Samsung Galaxy Note Updates

Posted: 20 Apr 2012 11:53 AM PDT


Originally Posted by Jaymin View Post
That comment was after seeing the offer for Note! :)

I want Sennheiser headphones :(

Star World and Star Movies not in TimeShift anymore?

Posted: 20 Apr 2012 11:23 AM PDT

Well, it got 2 new users to IBF :)

Problem with getting rid of IPTV is that the effective price most of us are paying for IPTV is Rs 113pm

You wont get as many channels for that amount in any other medium, even if you ignore Timeshift

I'm tempted to shift to Reliance wireline+Tata Sky myself after this removal though

BSNL speeds raised from 256 Kbps to 512 Kbps for ULD 499 and ULD 625 ?

Posted: 20 Apr 2012 11:22 AM PDT

Can't be confirmed whether it is true or they are just reporting February hikes now (that too without FUP details).

But one strange things I am noticing is that from past 3 months on my 750-Combo-unlimited 512kbps plan I used to get speed bump upto 1 mbps for 1 or 2 days at max or sometimes till next reboot of my modem.

But this whole week I am getting 1 mbps consistently even though my usage for this month has already exceeded 40 GB.

May be some upgrade is on the way for which they are testing.

Speeds I am getting on my plan this week -