
India Broadband Forum Feed

Hayai Broadband FAQs

Posted: 28 Jan 2011 01:20 PM PST


Originally Posted by sach92 View Post
Do consider in future as there are only 2 ISP's in UAE, i want to see downfall in rates of the isp's there.
Anyways 1st goes first. Now our approach for it is currently INDIA.

Yeah, there's a reason for that - the market is closed and both of the operators are state owned. Basically the freezones get service by du and the rest of the areas by Etisalat.

Even if we could enter, we would not be allowed to offer VOIP services and we would still have to route all of our traffic through the official censor which creates a fairly significant bottleneck.

---------- Post added at 02:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:59 AM ----------

...although wholesale bandwidth is much cheaper in UAE (about 1/4th to 1/8th of India depending on how much is purchased), the problem of licensing remains :(

Pay as you go (data plans) and flattening data-plan tariffs on Hayai Broadband

Posted: 28 Jan 2011 01:04 PM PST


Originally Posted by mgcarley View Post
Why? I think it's better that the user can set their bill cap to whatever they want and all should be provided at 100mbit/s, otherwise if the user can only set their bill cap to the same as a flat-rate plan, wouldn't it just be easier to... buy the flat-rate plan?

Because there are people like me who'd greatly underutilize a flat-rate plan for the most part of a year. But I'd also like to know that I have unlimited data if I ever need it suddenly.

What I meant was basically a flat-rate plan but you don't pay the full amount unless you conusme data worth atleast as much as the cost of the plan. Unless you're counting on the fact that some people will underutilize their connection and end up paying more that they've cost you, so on average including "abusers" you're still profitable.


Originally Posted by mgcarley View Post
What if a user is only prepared to pay Rs1,000 per month but only gets an option of Rs2499?

This would simply be an additional option if they want a connection where they can keep downloading past the maximum bill cap.

Promotional MTNL DELHI 3G unlimited plans w.e.f. 31.01.2011

Posted: 28 Jan 2011 12:36 PM PST

Absolutely droolworthy plans. But what about Mumbai?

MTNL 3G DataCard (Teracom): Brief Review

Posted: 28 Jan 2011 12:34 PM PST

If you have MTNL, do you pay extra for roaming data charges on BSNL network?

Universal Sim for MNP ?

Posted: 28 Jan 2011 12:33 PM PST


Originally Posted by kunalgautam View Post
use sync services na :P

I am guessing that is put in jest so wouldn't even attempt to ask how as no gprs :P

How to calculate download speed un a bsnl broadband plan?

Posted: 28 Jan 2011 12:00 PM PST

i called the bsnl helpline 1500...he said as bb combo Unlimited 750......is there anyother method for me to crosscheck to ensure it is bb combo Unlimited 750 only?

Query: Airtel Presence is Alive?

Posted: 28 Jan 2011 11:54 AM PST

I also decided to out of AirTel world now.

-Kannan M

Husshhh!! Finally DNS issue solved In Pune By BSNL 3G team.

Posted: 28 Jan 2011 11:54 AM PST

Can you please share DNS if you have already...i am using bsnl 3G from last month and never got 2mbps speed....i stay near sangvi area...what is your locality ?

Airtel Throttling/Shaping BitTorrent Traffic: Report

Posted: 28 Jan 2011 11:35 AM PST

I was about to post that in a week or so.It seems that my torrent speed reaches max to 75 KBPS where as previously it wud consistently hit 120 KBPS for 1 mbps connection. This has been happening both day and night for various torrents. Just very occasionally i have seen it hitting 120 KBPS.

I have been using Airtel for 2.5 yrs here in Bangalore, never happened this way.

My normal downloads in IDM (internet download manager) works fine with 120KBPS.

Toyota Etios Sedan launched in India

Posted: 28 Jan 2011 11:17 AM PST

I will not put my money on that, as Logan is a solid and stable car, with very good interiors and quality, also u can't compare the two as Logan has more space, leg room and is a strudy car. The quality of plastics and lot of other stuff is poor in Etios and cost cutting is evident clearly in the car.

Why utorrent download speed is 200kB/s but firefox download is only 50kB/s?

Posted: 28 Jan 2011 11:01 AM PST

those are not temporary dns server, those are Aircel chennai based dns servers, they work gr8. u can use them permanently

tata sky hd dth: New hd boxes in jan 2011

Posted: 28 Jan 2011 11:00 AM PST

By appearance , looks and remote both boxes are the same, it looks like they have got the fresh stocks from the supplier.

Tata Sky drops service charges from INR350 to INR125

Posted: 28 Jan 2011 11:00 AM PST

Another unexpected, nevertheless, welcome move from Tata Sky. All relocation and service charges down to 125INR from the earlier 350INR. Rates effective 28th January, 2011.

popeye hub

Posted: 28 Jan 2011 10:56 AM PST

hey whenever i connect to the hub it shows that the ip is out of range n disconnects automatically......may smeone tell me y is dat happening and how can i overcme it...plz????

Slow torrent speed

Posted: 28 Jan 2011 10:48 AM PST

signal strength is not an issue here, but the no of users connected and bandwidth is.