India Broadband Forum Feed

Which Mini Refrigerator To Buy?

Posted: 24 Sep 2010 12:27 PM PDT

I want to buy a mini refrigerator of capacity less than 90ltr. I'm looking for one which is bit light weighted and would last for at least a year.

Does anybody have any idea which companies make such type of refrigerator and which one to go for?

Airtel Fk YOU!

Posted: 24 Sep 2010 11:40 AM PDT

^^ keeping asking them on twitter and keep shouting at the presence team applied for disconnection on 30th aug .Rental was closed on 2nd sep and full disconnection by 14th sep.It took 25 calls !

International Messages Are Never Delivered!

Posted: 24 Sep 2010 11:01 AM PDT

I have tried messaging to US and Europe mobile phone numbers from my Trump connection couple of times but never the messages were delivered.

But the balance always get deducted the moment I send one. :mad:

Does anybody had any success sending international messages from Trump?

Videocon D2H HD DVR launch in 3rd Week of September, 2010

Posted: 24 Sep 2010 10:24 AM PDT

Still waiting for this

Channels u Miss in Videocon D2h

Posted: 24 Sep 2010 10:24 AM PDT

include FX, FOX Crime, Discovery Sc and Turbo also, i will love to have all those but they are not adding any channels :(

Dish tv Customer Care Rocks

Posted: 24 Sep 2010 10:22 AM PDT

Nowadays Dish tv cc improved much. i have asked for realignment for my dish and cc people reached my place within 4 hrs

Good News ! Tata Sky HD Plus -- Will be Available Soon !

Posted: 24 Sep 2010 10:16 AM PDT

tata sky hd plus price has to be 2500. little more than that and no body will be going for it already hd is big fail as they fail to give good hd content. yes if they can give star movies hbo or neo sports in hd than it wd be a offer to go for. but not for star plus and star cricket. net geo and discovery hd content is very poor quality.god give them some mind becoz they do not know what they r doing.

Indian Telecom: SMS rates

Posted: 24 Sep 2010 09:54 AM PDT

, sms is only profit making thing for operator

but as admin told, using voip on smartphone does a great job with free unlimited messages without any recharge ,

sms needs very very tiny bit of data to send , so edge is sufficient for it

---------- Post added at 10:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:20 PM ----------

admin, how is pingchat? is it user friendly or complex , can it send sms on mobile no , anywhere in the world !!!!!!!!

How to amplify BSNL 3G Signal

Posted: 24 Sep 2010 09:44 AM PDT

^^^ desi juggad tech , dude do u want to make a patent

Asianet Dataline Broadband

Posted: 24 Sep 2010 09:02 AM PDT

How r the torrent download speeds on Asianet Swift 449 Unlimited plan??

Usage History Example

Posted: 24 Sep 2010 08:57 AM PDT


Is my speed around 512 k?
Yes. Current speed multiplied by 8 is your speed in kbps . You can also check the speed here : Airtel

---------- Post added at 09:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:23 PM ----------

* For checking download go to Query tab and select billing cycle From date and To date and hit Go

* Note: It starts from the date you installed BitmeterOS so you cannot get data before that date.

Which Broadband is best in Kochi / Cochin / Ernakulam City ?

Posted: 24 Sep 2010 08:54 AM PDT

How r the torrent download speeds on Asianet Swift 449 UL plan??