India Broadband Forum Feed

Hows Reliance Broadband in NEW DELHI?

Posted: 01 Jan 2013 12:46 PM PST

In terms of speed,it is pretty good.
Are you getting a metro ethernet connection or the standard ADSL2+?

With the metro ethernet you will get full download as well as upload speed and very low pings.
With ADSL2+ you will get around average 3.4 mbps download speed on thunder 1099 and quite low upload speeds.Pings are way too high.

Ask them that which connection will they provide.

And I definitely cannot comment on the customer service.If you are lucky then it might be good as is the case for me.But,don't really expect faster service from them and try to make the local technician your friend ;)

Best Local ISP for Janak Puri, West Delhi?

Posted: 01 Jan 2013 11:53 AM PST

Looking for a good local ISP for janak puri, west delhi

Looking for unlimited or with good FUP.

Flipkart User Experiences

Posted: 01 Jan 2013 11:47 AM PST

well 7-8 days shoulb be fine...after that will ask for wallet.

what happens if prepaid phone not used for some months?

Posted: 01 Jan 2013 11:34 AM PST

At least one outgoing call in period of 90 days is required to keep it alive along with minimum 200rs recharge. Afaik.

Free GPS Navigation Apps for Apple iPhone 5

Posted: 01 Jan 2013 11:15 AM PST

Lemme kniw how it goes..

Does God Exist?

Posted: 01 Jan 2013 10:57 AM PST


Originally Posted by Jaymin View Post
Ok, so my only contention is this:

1) The laws required creation. They either
a) Came as a consequence of another scientific theory at work; or
b) Someone created the laws directly.

In case a, u again have the question - who created that law? If u claim that it came out of nowhere, then do we have any precedent to show that it came out of nowhere?
And seriously, is there any 3rd possibility - either someone created it, or it came in on its own.....i really want to know if u foresee a 3rd possibility.

2) Ok, now this is in pretty much a research phase, but then that cant be ruled out. Past, Present & Future are all existing together, with Present being simply sandwiched between the 2. So now, if everything is just existing, then what is all the fuss about evolution et al? There was a script writer who just wrote/scripted everything, isnt it?

I really am not asking u to take these things as it is - but, is there any harm in giving it a thought? And may be, if my understanding is wrong (no one is perfectly right!), u can probe further into it......

For someone who is searching for the answer, your initial premise severely limits the possibilities, and makes the job harder than it needs to be. Not only are you rejecting possibilities that the laws were not created, or came out of natural causes we don't yet understand, or even the possibility that the laws were everpresent; you propose that the answer is "someone". And not only do you have a proper explanation as to who he is or why he created the laws in that particular way, you can't even explain how he came into existence. You can't even explain how the creator created these laws. Did he pop them into existence out of nothing? Of did he use pre-existing laws to formulate these new laws? Essentially, you are trying to answer one unknown(origin of the cosmos' laws) using a bigger unknown(the creator). You are needlessly pushing the question one step further: from 'who created the laws?' to 'who created the creator of the laws?'. It is simply a terrible way of going about answering a question, let alone one of such magnitude.

The whole thing is basically god of the gaps. You do not know who created the laws. Therefore, god created it. It's a weak argument. Really weak.


Now coming to ur question.......

I guess u r more interested in it. Me too. U r interested, coz may be u want to jump onto my neck. I m interested, coz even i m searching for that answer. Certainly, i do not know it. But just because we want to avoid the infinite regression (which actually might not be infinite), we cant jump to any conclusions.

PS: I m sure u will say, i have jumped to conclusions myself. But then, i have shown u the thought process, based on which, i just have a reason to believe, that there has to be a Single super entity.
If your intent is to find the origins of the universe, the single cause that caused the universe to begin, then you HAVE to come up with answers that don't result in an infinite regression. It's like trying to pick a vehicle with brakes for a journey. If the vehicle cannot stop, your journey will never end. It's as simple as that. Your premise that such things require creation will definitely lead to an infinite regression. Because no matter what answer you come up with, that answer requires a creator. Your only way of breaking this regression is to make the fallacious argument that god does not require creation. Which is why your whole reason for believing in a god is weak. It's logically incoherent.

If you are really interested in the answer, then be honest, admit that you do not know the answer, and let a community of scientists, who frankly are way more qualified than you, to find the answer. And more importantly, stop limiting the possibilities you're open to by applying useless premises like requiring a creator.

PS: The double-slit experiment you linked is a good way to demonstrate the power of evidence. Before the experiment, possibly no one(me either) would be willing to admit that something like a photon can exhibit wave-particle duality. But proof can lend credibility to even the most outrageous ideas. Who knows, further experiments in quantum physics may show that something CAN come from nothing. DO you have any proof for god, or merely weak logic and scientific ignorance to account for a "creator"?

PS 2: Happy New Year! :)

Now time for FIFA on the PS3. ;)

YotaPhone Hands- phone with back screen

Posted: 01 Jan 2013 10:54 AM PST

YotaPhone Hands- phone with back screen

Sachin Tendulkar retires from One Day International Cricket

Posted: 01 Jan 2013 10:51 AM PST

Looks like a retirement galore!

Domino's India Discount Coupons

Posted: 01 Jan 2013 10:44 AM PST

Network Restricted in iPhone 4

Posted: 01 Jan 2013 10:39 AM PST


Originally Posted by pankaj View Post
Really ? Because i never did that.. And my SIM is working fine .. :imbored:

Yep.I bought two new sims. Had to do this on both of them. The first time i couldn't find the options, went to vodafone store and that guy told me that i had forgot to choose postpaid. The sim started working after that. Maybe its just for delhi ?