India Broadband Forum Feed

Suggest Me A Series !!

Posted: 11 May 2012 01:16 PM PDT

'The Wire' is the best drama series ever. They got second ranking for a TV series on IMDB. It is of 5 seasons and mostly deals with Baltimore Drug scene and how it affects the African Americans socially and economically. It also shows how politics and media play a big role in how the Police function in Baltimore. Having lived in Baltimore for 2 years I was totally unaware of such a bad drug situation.

"Castle" is a nice Crime-Mystery-Romance-Drama series featuring Nathan Fillion as lead (of FireFly Series fame) who plays a writer and a hot chick Stana Katic as the Detective.

"Babylon 5" is a sci-fi series long forgotten. But the theme is very good and mostly deal with human nature and the decisions they make. There is lot of human-alien interaction in this Series.

Visiting Mumbai next week. Have some questions.

Posted: 11 May 2012 01:04 PM PDT

But to me, that should be a consideration. Coz after all u dont want to spoil ur vacation by landing into any sort of trouble like that! Anyways, we are going off topic now!

Doomsday 2012 - for real this time?

Posted: 11 May 2012 01:02 PM PDT

Now that the date is nearing, they will need something to cover themselves if it doesnt happen! So they r covered either way - if it happens they say "We told it". If it doesnt, they say "We had a new contradicting evidence against it!" doesn't open on bsnl BB

Posted: 11 May 2012 12:47 PM PDT


Originally Posted by Amod Malviya View Post
Hey folks, came across this thread, and thought it would be good to provide clarity.

Sujeet, most likely your IP was blocked at our firewall. We've seen a few people crawl the site indiscriminately, and they often use regular broadband connections as the IP keeps on changing. Unfortunately, when a genuine user gets assigned that IP later, they see connectivity issues.

Glad to see that the site is now accessible to you. In future if it you see connectivity issues, just drop a tweet to @flipkart as we monitor it quite actively and we might've able to help faster.

Sid, we are not under any DDoS attack currently :)

What many big sites does is, If suspected connections from a particular IP range requests to access Your e-shopping site, You may set up a verification system possibly CAPTCHA,Random Questions which only Indians can answer(eg political leaders,cinema).. I forgot those sites which were north american whom banned whole BSNL IP Range because of bloody spamsters. We, the normal users suffer because of such people. Yet, some of these websites provide a verification option for individuals from suspected IP as explained above.

Multi Discount Coupon thread

Posted: 11 May 2012 12:37 PM PDT

Saw this offer on EyeVilla - Buy Sunglasses, Eyeglasses, Spectacles and Contact Lenses in India at Best Prices If you are looking for Sunglasses or other eyewear, this seems to be good offer

need best wifi router !!!!!

Posted: 11 May 2012 12:29 PM PDT

Seem to have missed this thread. manu1991, it'd be nice, if you'd do some sort of review of the pogoplug or just a brief user experience post ;) does not want to ship my items giving lame excuses

Posted: 11 May 2012 12:08 PM PDT

I also had similar problem. Aramex was the culprit here but LetsBuy didn't co-ordinate with them to make the Shipping happening. Aramex tried 10 times trying to deliver to my house but I never got any call from them that they are there to deliver it.

Flipkart User Experiences

Posted: 11 May 2012 12:07 PM PDT

Flipkart is good in their service. Never faced any problem. The reason for good service is that they have their own logistics in place without having to depend on existing logistics players.